Average muscle mass, biochemical evaluation and associated factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: an association study
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of metabolic disorders has in common hyperglycemia. The mellitus type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of pancreatic beta-cells with consequent insulin deficiency and type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by defects in insulin action and secretion. Objective: To investigate the association between muscle mass medium, biochemical variables and associated factors in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus Methods: The assessment anthropometric, biochemical and dietary intake in patients. The quantitative variables of the study were expressed by descriptive statistics. It was held normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) to verify the distribution of numerical variables. To compare the numerical variables was performed Student t test and Pearson's correlation. Results: The sample consisted of 25 individuals being most 52% of women (n = 13) adults and 60 % (n = 15). In relation to body mass index 100 % of subjects were within the normal range. There was a correlation between body mass index and waist circumference (r = 0.81) and between glycated hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose (r = 0.51). Conclusion: It was observed association between muscle mass medium, biochemical evaluation and associated factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus, however there was a strong correlation between waist circumference and body mass index, and between fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin.
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