Can the neck circumference be used as an indicator of body adiposity? Systematic review
Objective: Analyze the association of neck circumference (NC) as a marker of body adiposity in adults and the elderly. Method: A systematic review was conducted in the Nature Publishing Group (CrossRef), ScienceDirect Journals (Elsevier), Science Citation Index Expanded (MEDLINE / PubMed (NLM) and Scopus (Elsevier)) between 2010 and 2018; with the descriptors: "neck circumference" AND "anthropometry" AND "obesity". Eligibility criteria were articles about the association between NC and body adiposity, including transverse studies, cohort and case-control. Results: A total of 16 studies were included, fourteen of which were cross-sectional and only two cohort studies. The neck circumference was associated with anthropometric markers of adiposity in young, adult and elderly subjects. Significant positive associations were observed between NC and (a) BMI; (b) HC; (c) WC and (d) WHtR; in at least one of the sexes investigated. In four studies, the WHR was the index that presented the lowest agreement with the NC, and in two studies the NC was superior to the WC. Conclusion: Among the studies analyzed, NC was associated with anthropometric indicators already used in the assessment of body adiposity. Future studies should be developed to determine and validate neck circumferential cut-off points in representative samples as groups of people living with HIV.
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