The lifestyle influence the nutritional status of the elderly: a systematic literature review
Introduction: Lifestyle is described as a pattern of behavior that can have effects on health and is related to aspects that reflect attitudes, values, and opportunities. Goal: To conduct a systematic review of published articles on the influence of lifestyle on the nutritional status of elderly people. Materials and Methods: Published articles found in three research databases, namely, Lilacs, PubMed, and SciELO, were analyzed. After searching for descriptors, abstracts were peer-selected in two phases, by two readers each. Bias analysis was conducted using a validated protocol (Newcastle-Ottawa), which has been adapted for cross-sectional studies. Results: Eight articles were identified in the systematic review. Most of the papers were published in 2013. From the analyzed articles, four lifestyle factors were found to be significantly associated with the nutritional status of elderly people. The studies included in the review employed the Mini Nutritional Assessment, the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form, and the criterion of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People to assess nutritional status. Discussion: Some of the lifestyle factors found to be significant protectors of nutritional status were regular consumption of alcohol, habitual physical activity, and leisure. Factors with a negative influence were smoking and sedentarism. Conclusion: The study identified the influence of lifestyle factors (physical activity, alcohol, smoking, and leisure) on the nutritional status of elderly people.
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