Omega-3 effects in patients with Alzheimer's disease

  • Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira Centro Universitário Regional do Brasil, Salvador-BA, Brasil
  • Samuel Barbosa Camargo Centro Universitário Regional do Brasil, Salvador-BA, Brasil
  • Gabrielle Novais Manzoli Centro Universitário Regional do Brasil, Salvador-BA, Brasil
  • Francisco Navarro Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís-MA, Brasil
  • Ricardo Augusto Leoni de Sousa Centro Universitário Regional do Brasil, Salvador-BA, Brasil
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, Fatty acids, Omega 3, Dietary supplementation


Introduction: Alzheimer's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease, and the main type of dementia. Objective: This study aims to present the effects of ω-3 supplementation on Alzheimer's disease. Methodology: A systematic review was made through a PubMed search and as inclusion criterion it was adopted that articles published in the last 5 years and original published studies made with humans would be used. The following descriptors were used to search for original articles in PubMed: Alzheimer's Disease, Ômega-3 Fatty Acids and Dietary Supplementation. At the end, 10 articles were reviewed that met all inclusion criteria. Results: Most studies have shown that ω-3 supplementation decreased the biomarkers of inflammation in patients with Alzheimer's, but the improvement in cognition depended on factors such as the dose administered, the duration of the intervention and at which stage of the intervention. disease began supplementation. Discussion: These results indicate that individuals with Alzhimer's disease have to look after their lifestyle and this includes eating. The type of food ingested will develop the disease faster or avoid its development. ω-3 supplementation could help in most studies to fight Alzheimer's progression although a few studies showed no influence of the usage of ω-3. Conclusion: Supplementation with ω-3 promoted the reduction of oxidative stress, and the expression of pro-inflammatory proteins, increased expression of anti-inflammatory proteins and inhibition or amelioration of cognitive decline.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, J. P. de, Camargo, S. B., Manzoli, G. N., Navarro, F., & Sousa, R. A. L. de. (2019). Omega-3 effects in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 12(76), 1078-1086. Retrieved from
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