Food and nutritional education actions at the educational center Stella dos Cherubins Guimarães Trois - saúde e saber
Introduction: The present study aims to describe and characterize an action of nutritional education in a public school in the Federal District. Objective: To stimulate students to develop activities on nutrition, promoting the construction of critical knowledge and stimulating a healthier life today and in the future. Methods: The process was carried out in five meetings where the first meeting was dedicated to collect the anthropometric data and the other meetings were developed with dynamics elaborated for this public and playful activities at the end that allowed us to evaluate whether or not there was understanding of the information passed on. Results: The activities developed were aimed at promoting good eating habits and avoiding diseases caused by poor nutrition, where all the dynamics presented were well accepted by the students. Conclusion: The techniques used in Food and Nutrition Education in this study were very effective, bringing to the discussion the importance of more actions in the school curriculum.
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