Relation of sensitivity to Phenylthiocarbamine (PTC) and the nutritional state of the patients taken care of in centers of health of Brasília-DF

  • Jeovana Rezende Silva Morais Programa de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Juliana Rezende Melo da Silva Programa de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Renata Marques Conte Programa de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Maria de Nazaré Klautau Guimarães Grinol Programa de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
  • Vagner Raso Programa de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
Keywords: Obesity, Phenylthiocarbamide, Nutritional status, HDL


Treatment for obesity and its comorbidities can be more effective with the findings of new alternatives in nutritional therapy. Studies providing evidence that connect test and eating preferences if individual genetics are important for finding new treatments. The purpose of this study is to assess the connection between phenylthiocarbamide sensibility and the patients’ nutritional state. Methodology: A case-control study was carried out with 94 patients. Each subject underwent two phases: nutritional assessment and phenylthio-carbamide sensibility test. Results: In what regards the nutritional profile, 39.4% were included in the case group (overweight/obese) and 60.6% in the control group (eutrophic). HDL was the only altered biochemical datum that had a significant prevalence on PTC-sensitive subjects in comparison to insensitive subjects (p≥0.014). The test threshold was solution 8 for both groups, taking into account that 19.1% are insensitive. Phenylthio-carbamide perception presented significant relation to the nutritional state (p≥0.036), and when it was associated to gender, there was a significant difference for male subjects (p≥0.008). Conclusion: phenylthiocarbamide sensibility may influence the nutritional state of individuals, especially when it concerns male individuals.


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How to Cite
Morais, J. R. S., Silva, J. R. M. da, Conte, R. M., Grinol, M. de N. K. G., & Raso, V. (2007). Relation of sensitivity to Phenylthiocarbamine (PTC) and the nutritional state of the patients taken care of in centers of health of Brasília-DF. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 1(1). Retrieved from
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