Prevalence of orthorexia nerve in academic nutrition course in an institution of higher education in Paraná southwestern

  • Patrí­cia de Marchi Faculdade de Pato Branco (FADEP), Pato Branco-PR, Brasil
  • Indiomara Baratto Faculdade de Pato Branco (FADEP), Pato Branco-PR, Brasil. Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo-SP, Brasil
Keywords: Nervous orterexia, Eating behavior, Students, Nutrition


This study aims to determine the presence of Orthorexia Nervosa Nutrition Course students at a higher education institution in southwestern Paraná. The sample consisted of 82 students, 77 women and 5 men. They were applied 2 questionnaires, a socioeconomic and another called Ortho-15. According to the data obtained most academics, 80% (n = 66) showed prevalence for ortoróxico behavior. Of the variables analyzed the physical activity factor is most connected to Orthorexia (p <0.0001), followed by BMI value (p <0.0358), where the lower the BMI value greater propensity to behavior. Regarding gender, all male participants showed ortoróxico behavior, female participants amounted to 92% (n = 65) percentage. The Orthorexia Nervosa is an abnormal eating behavior and if not diagnosed quickly can lead to severe damage to physical and mental health. With the positive results of the proposed study, it is suggested that further research be conducted in order to define the profile of the Brazilian population for the prevalence of behavior. Feels the need for a review in Orto-15 questionnaire, since it presents dubious interpretations questions and could jeopardize the actual result.


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How to Cite
de Marchi, P., & Baratto, I. (2018). Prevalence of orthorexia nerve in academic nutrition course in an institution of higher education in Paraná southwestern. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 12(74), 699-706. Retrieved from
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