Waste levels of non conventional parts of products used daily in a restaurant in the southwest of Paraná

  • Diana Franzosi Faculdade de Pato Branco (FADEP)
  • Helena da Cruz Daneluz Faculdade de Pato Branco (FADEP)
  • Indiomara Baratto Faculdade de Pato Branco (FADEP). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
Keywords: Utilization, Remains, Acceptance, Nutrients


Restaurants to prepare and serve their daily buffet produce large amounts of waste food, that can be used in many ways. With the full utilization of food there are ways to reverse the situation that the country is facing, people starving and tonnes of food being thrown in the garbage. This work aims to show that there are ways to use the food in its totality, by decreasing the impacts that it causes in the environment and and turning it into nutritious food. For that, a research was carried out in a commercial restaurant in the southwestern state of Paraná, in order to monitor the quantity of barks, weeds, stalks and seeds that are discarded for lack of information or training who will manipulate them. For demonstration of complete use, two preparations were developed using food peels that would be discarded, banana peel cake and pineapple peel cake. In order to verify their acceptability, some tasting and evaluation were conducted from the Nutrition and Gastronomy academics of a private College in the southwest of Paraná, where in the evaluative paper, they should indicate if they liked or disliked the cakes and the possible development of the recipe in their daily routine. Both cakes had good acceptance, but with some points of improvement. 


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How to Cite
Franzosi, D., Daneluz, H. da C., & Baratto, I. (2018). Waste levels of non conventional parts of products used daily in a restaurant in the southwest of Paraná. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 12(69), 66-75. Retrieved from https://www.rbone.com.br/index.php/rbone/article/view/653
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