The influence of the nutritional state in the development of pressure injuries in supplemental patients
Introduction: Poor nutritional status influences the development of pressure lesions and an adequate nutritional intake participates in the prevention process and assists in the healing stages. Aim: The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status and the development of pressure lesions in supplemented patients. Methodology: This is a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted with patients admitted to the ward and the adult intensive care unit (ICU) of the Samuel Libânio Clinical Hospital (HCSL). Results: The sample consisted of 42 patients divided into three groups: group A, enteral diet, hyperprotein and hypercaloric dietary supplement, zinc supplementation, group B, enteral diet, a hypercaloric and hyperprotein food supplement, and group C only enteral diet. Among the 42 patients in the study, only three developed pressure lesions, 1 patient in group A and 2 patients in group C. Discussion: It was observed that supplementation improved nutritional status, biochemical tests and the Braden scale score, Reducing the risks for the development of injuries. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the nutritional status of the patient is correlated with the development of pressure lesions.
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