The degree of dehydration between aerobic exercises performed on treadmill and stationary bicycle

  • Wagner Endson de Freitas Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
Keywords: Dehydration, Bicycle, Belt


It’s common to think that being slim is a process of loss of body weight after a long period of exercise. In fact, it’s attributed to loss of water and mineral salts a great part of loss of body weight. In order to have a successful loss of weight, middle to long-term process, it is necessary to change one’s own style of life. Therefore, gaining an interaction between an adequate feeding and the practice of regular physical exercises, mainly aerobics. As to nourishment, it’s the outmost importance that a person has a negative energetic balance, that’s, the digestion of food has to be lesser and through exercises to burn more calories, such as: cycling and belt conveyor. Calories are closely linked to the digestion of O2, VO2Max. Each litter of O2 corresponds to five kcal approximately. If the intensity is equal to both, the burned up calorie during the exercise will be even. It’s important to mention here that if a person doesn’t respect the hydration process, it’ll occur a decrease in the level of water and mineral salts as well. Due to the facts above, this study aims at verifying the degree of dehydration between the exercises (movement RT250) and Exercise cycles (technogym bike 600 xt pro). The exercise was monitored during 90 minutes, keeping a cardiac frequency between 70% and 80% of the maximum frequency. Exercise cycles (technogym bike 600 xt pro). To analyse dehydration it was used simple markers such as body weight pre and post exercises as well as urinary density pre and post.


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How to Cite
Freitas, W. E. de. (2012). The degree of dehydration between aerobic exercises performed on treadmill and stationary bicycle. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 1(6). Retrieved from
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