Resveratrol: chemical composition and its benefits to health
Introduction: Resveratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene), a phenolic compound found in grapes and derivatives, has been shown to decrease lipid levels in serum and platelet aggregation, increase HDL cholesterol, decrease LDL-c, and prevent artery blockage. Aim: This literature review aims to present data on resveratrol, its chemical composition and its health benefits, as well as its dietary sources and its nutritional recommendation as a form of prevention for several diseases. Materials and methods: It was carried out through searches in the PubMed, Scielo and Capes Periodical Portals using the descriptors: resveratrol, chemical composition, functional food, totalizing: 42 articles, 30 English studies, 11 studies in Portuguese language and 1 in the polish language. Results and discussion: The results of the studies show resveratrol as a phenolic compound with functional performances as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fatigue agents. This has been applied in several diseases playing a positive role in the prevention and treatment of metabolic and degenerative disorders. Conclusion: The most commonly used dose is 15 to 20 mg per day in the form of a capsule, 250 ml of juice or red wine, or the consumption of purple grapes, blueberries, cacao, among others, producing significant health benefits.
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