Food behavior of pre and post-bariatric surgery patients

  • Aline Dantas de Jesus Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Kiriaque Barra Ferreira Barbosa Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
  • Márcia Ferreira Cândido de Souza Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Brasil.
  • Alda Magna dos Santos Conceição Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, Brasil.
Keywords: Bariatric surgery, Obesity, Eating behavior


Some patients may experience inappropriate eating behaviors before and after bariatric surgery, increasing their risk of failure. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of cognitive restraint, emotional eating and binge eating in patients eligible for bariatric surgery and those already operated in order to observe the behavioral profile of these individuals and their relationship to the time of surgery and weight regained. The sample consisted of 49 patients, 19 preoperatively and 30 postoperatively, these were categorized as the regained weight and surgery time and responded to the questionnaire of the Three Food Factors (TFEQ-21). It was held the Mann Whitney test for analysis of behavioral dimensions and the chi-square test for categorical analysis of the answers given to TFEQ-21 questions. There was a predominance of females (83.7%) and the mean age was 43 ± 10 years; cognitive restriction was prevalent in the pre and postoperative, and, in the preoperative group, emotional eating and binge eating were more present; a trend was observed after 5 years of surgery, patients have more emotional power signals, this feeding behavior was also higher among those who regained weight. The restrictive component of the behavior associated with eating habit was predominant in obese individuals regardless of surgery, however, its realization seems to improve the signs of binge eating and emotional eating, can this behavior back in the late postoperative period and be a triggering factor of recovery Weight.


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How to Cite
de Jesus, A. D., Barbosa, K. B. F., de Souza, M. F. C., & Conceição, A. M. dos S. (2017). Food behavior of pre and post-bariatric surgery patients. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 11(63), 187-196. Retrieved from
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