Reasons for physical sports in adults: a theoretical perspective

  • José Carlos Ros Saura Universidad de Murcia. Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte
Keywords: Sports physical activity, Adults, Reasons


The present study has been intended to reflect what are the main reasons that lead adults to engage in physical activity and sport, serving both gender and age differences. It has conducted a review of the entire theory framework of physical activity, reflecting key concepts and theories that explain, detail and demonstrate the reality of this issue. The results obtained from this review have been the main reasons that lead women to do exercise regularly are aesthetics, improve mood, weight control and social relationships; while for men, the main reasons are fun, pleasure, avoidance, increase fitness and compete.

Author Biography

José Carlos Ros Saura, Universidad de Murcia. Facultad de Ciencias del Deporte



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How to Cite
Saura, J. C. R. (2017). Reasons for physical sports in adults: a theoretical perspective. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 11(65), 272-280. Retrieved from
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