Influence of fasting versus protocol of carbohydrate and protein supplementation on respiratory and peripheral muscle strength: A randomized, cross-over study with healthy volunteers

  • Lais Chitolina Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • José Eduardo do Aguilar Nascimento Professor Ph.D., Departamento de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade federal de Mato Grosso-UFMT, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil.
Keywords: Hand strength, Respiratory muscles, Fast, Carbohydrates, Proteins


Objective: To evaluate fatigue and strength muscle respiratory and peripheral in healthy adults fasted for 12 hours or supplementation protocol containing carbohydrates and proteins. Materials and methods: A randomized cross-over clinical trial was conducted, with 15 healthy male volunteers, with normal IMC and age between 20 and 30 years. The volunteers underwent assessment of muscle function tests after an overnight fast of 12 hours, and after the supplementation period of carbohydrates and protein 2 hours before testing. The interval between the two protocols were about 2 to 4 weeks. Results: The results of peripheral muscle strength were higher after the supplementation protocol in both hands compared to the 12-hour fasting (p<0.004). Muscle fatigue was increased after fasting protocol for the first 4 steps of the sequence (p <0.01). Respiratory muscle strength showed higher values after nutritional supplementation protocol, though expiratory force was not statistically significant. In general, worsening of muscle function tests was to employees when the volunteers had fasted for 12 hours. Conclusion: After a period of fasting in healthy subjects occurs worsening function and overall muscle strength. The nutritional supplementation protocol improves the muscle strength and the performance of muscle function.

Author Biography

Lais Chitolina, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso




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How to Cite
Chitolina, L., & Nascimento, J. E. do A. (2017). Influence of fasting versus protocol of carbohydrate and protein supplementation on respiratory and peripheral muscle strength: A randomized, cross-over study with healthy volunteers. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 11(61), 3-11. Retrieved from
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