Historical analysis of weight loss methods of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in apublic hospital in Belém-PA

  • Tayana Silva Carvalho Especialista em Nutrição Clí­nica (UGF) e Mestre em Neurociências e Biologia Celular (UFPA)
  • Fábio Costa de Vasconcelos Especialista em Nutrição Clí­nica (UFPA), Especialista em Nutrição Oncológica (INCA), Especialista em Bioestatí­stica (UFPA)
  • Maria Denise Barbalho Maklouf Carvalho Especialista em Nutrição Clinica e nutricionista do Hospital Ophir Loyola em Belém do Pará - Brasil
Keywords: Obesity, Bariatric surgery


Obesity is definedas excess of body fat. The noninvasive treatment should be done even when it is not possible reverse the obesity, however, the reality is that the desire to lose weight requires the use of numerous weight loss methods, especially when the obese has features from the early life stages, therefore, this study aimed to analyze the history of weight loss methods of the patients who underwent bariatric surgery. It was used a sample of 20 patients of both genders who attended the nutrition clinic at a public hospital in Belém and data were collected through a questionnaire over a period of 3 months and this study was approved by the Research Ethics Committees. The results showed that 60% of patients were overweight since childhood. 80% sought lifelong health any professional for weight loss. However, weight loss methods have been very diverse, especially food deprivation (65%). The use of the medicine (80%) and the use of tea or herbal (80%) as the most common methods. The weight loss by these methods was not significant, however, loss in overweight occurred most frequently 3 to 6 months ( 55%); 64.28 % of patients associated medicine with diet. Health (45%) was identified as the main reason for the surgery. However, the weight loss was around 39% in 17 months after surgery. Patients have changed the lifestyle for a healthier routine (90%) and left old habits (70%). Therefore, the diverse background of techniques to lose weight, indicated lower efficacy, mainly due to the clinical medical condition of severe obesity in these patients and in this context bariatric surgery showed huge benefits.

Author Biography

Tayana Silva Carvalho, Especialista em Nutrição Clí­nica (UGF) e Mestre em Neurociências e Biologia Celular (UFPA)

Bacharel em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário do Pará desde 2010, especialista em Nutrição Clí­nica: metabolismo, prática e terapia nutricional pela Universidade Gama Filho desde de 2012. Mestre em Neurociencias e Biologia Celular desde de 2015. Foi representante do mestrado 2014/2015. Atualmente, bolsista DAAD/CnpQ na modalidade doutorado pleno que está sendo realizado na Universidade Duisburg-Essen na Alemanha. Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento. Tenho experiência em Cirurgia Bariátrica e Materno-infantil, no qual, já desenvolvi trabalhos desde o perí­odo de graduação e iniciação cientí­fica. Atuei como nutricionista clí­nica do Hospital Metropolitano de Urgência e Emergência do Pará e era responsável pela avaliação nutricional dos pacientes da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e da clí­nica neurológica.


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How to Cite
Carvalho, T. S., Vasconcelos, F. C. de, & Carvalho, M. D. B. M. (2016). Historical analysis of weight loss methods of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in apublic hospital in Belém-PA. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 10(55), 4-11. Retrieved from https://www.rbone.com.br/index.php/rbone/article/view/397
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