Program of physical activity for third age and its relation with the anthropometrics measures and physical aptitude

  • Ruan Gustavo Rezende Valle Programa de Pós Graduação Lato Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF. Licenciatura Plena em Educação Fí­sica pela Universidade Católica de Petrópolis - UCP. Petrópolis/RJ
Keywords: Aging, Physical activity, Physical aptitude, Anthropometric measurements


Says that aging is a progressive loss of functional capacity from persons and the behavior beyond the daily stress. Decrease on physical fitness is a consequence of strength loss, flexibility, velocity and the levels of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), which compromises the health and the life quality of the elderly people. We pretend to check the changes of anthropometric variances as BMI and waist index hip and physical fitness of feminine individuals, between 54 and 75 years, in the period of 0 month, 1.5 month and 3 months of practice on SESI program for elderly people from the city of Petrópolis/RJ – Elderly people program. In the physical fitness an improvement of 13% on to raise of the seated position and 31% on to raise of the position of ventral decubitus, was noticed. The anthropometrical variances achieved a little improvement on waist index hip of 2% and BMI of 1%, which seems to be not too significant to the study. We conclude that is significant for elderly people adopt a physical program, because in the tests they achieved a significant improvement on physical fitness tests and in almost all other tested issues. Anthropometrical variances presented a significant result for the elderly people health improving their functional capacity, their autonomy and independence.


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How to Cite
Valle, R. G. R. (2012). Program of physical activity for third age and its relation with the anthropometrics measures and physical aptitude. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 1(4). Retrieved from
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