Childhood Obesity and Lifestyles - Characterization of primary school children in Entroncamento Municipality - Portugal

  • Marco Batista Escola Superior de Educação de Torres Novas
  • Samuel Honório Escola Superior de Desporto Rio Maior, Portugal
  • Júlio Martins Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã (CIDESD)
  • Luis Massuça Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Lisboa - CIPER
  • Filipe Soares 5Instituto Superior Piaget, Almada, Portugal
Keywords: Child obesity, Life styles, Physical activity, Sedentary lifestyle


Objective: To determine whether regular physical activity influences the prevalence of obesity in children. Methods: This study includes a sample of 239 students representing 32.16% of the population of 743 students of 1st Cycle of Entroncamento city (public education). Ages ranging between 6 and 12 years and 50.6% belong to the female gender. Body composition was assessed (Height, Weight, Skinfold, Body Mass Index and Percent Fat Mass); Results: The results, when compared with previous studies in the same county, seem to indicate that this population has evolved positively in regard to the prevalence of obesity and the prevalence of overweight, as well as indicate lower values than those presented by international studies specifically WHO (2002) and (2009). Conclusions: most individuals do regular physical activity within or outside the school, and 14.5% are those who never practice it. It can be said that all the students say make a conscious power, preferring the "good food" as opposed to those that can be considered harmful to health, and rarely eat ice cream, fries and opposed eat fruit and vegetables several times a day.


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How to Cite
Batista, M., Honório, S., Martins, J., Massuça, L., & Soares, F. (2015). Childhood Obesity and Lifestyles - Characterization of primary school children in Entroncamento Municipality - Portugal. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 9(54), 243-250. Retrieved from
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