The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children from a school in the city of Rio Branco-AC and the importance of schoolar physical education of this epidemic

  • Camila da Silva Aragão Universidade Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Keywords: Overweight, Obesity, Sedentary lifestyle, Physical activity, Physical education


Introduction: Obesity is considered a public health problem that can be started at any ages and is characterized as a disease of multifactorial origins. Changes in eating habits and sedentary life habits are contributing factors to the individuals becoming obese. Physical education in school is fully capable of creating strategies to encourage healthy habits in students, as a subject of great acceptance in school. Aim: This study aimed to evaluated the anthropometric data from students with overweight and obesity and create a relation between the roles of the physical education teacher facing the data collected. Materials and Methods: 419 students between the age group 11-13 years were evaluated. Anthropometric data (height, weight) for calculating BMI, considered one of the most objective methods of nutritional assessment were collected. Result and Discussion: Based on BMI calculations it is possible identify that the school has a significant number of overweight and obese students, and the incidence is higher in male students. Conclusion: Through this analysis highlights the importance of school physical education teachers to develop teaching mechanisms that mitigate this current framework, encouraging students to adopt astyle more active life.


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How to Cite
Aragão, C. da S. (2015). The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children from a school in the city of Rio Branco-AC and the importance of schoolar physical education of this epidemic. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 9(53), 170-175. Retrieved from
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