Strength training effects on the percentage ofbody fat in adults

  • Denis Roberto Neves Academia Acqua Terapia / Guaxupé-MG.
  • Éber Augusto Martins Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional Guaxupé
  • Markus Viní­cius Campos Souza Programa de Pós-Graduação Ciências Fisiológicas pelo Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas da UFSCar.
  • Autran José Silva Junior Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional Guaxupé
Keywords: Obesity, Bodybuilding, Cardiovascular risks


The sedentary lifestyle associated with industrialized with high-calorie foods has caused obesity worldwide. One of the methods for weight loss and control of non-pharmacological body weight is regular and targeted practice of physicalactivity. The aim of the present study the effect of a training program on weight, body composition and cardiovascular risk factors was analyzed. 67 volunteers, 20 men, 30.0±6.9 years, 95.5±18,7Kg, 31.7±4.8kg/m2and 29.9±8.2%F and 47 women: 34.0±7,5 years, 80.6±16,1Kg, 31.3±6.6 kg/m2and 36.5±8.4%F matriculate in the Academy Acqua Therapy in Guaxupé / MG. Participated in a bodybuilding program lasting six months, where three anthropometric assessments were performed which were measured: body weight, BMI, %BF, waist circumference, hip and abdomen. Significant reductions in all variables when compared to first assessment (pre-training) with the second and third evaluations (respectively, third months and sixth months of training). Significant reductions compared the results between the second and third assessments also occurred in all studied parameters, except for BMI and% BF. The WHR and waist circumference showed increases in the normal range in both genders between the first and second assessments, but notbetween the second and third assessments. It wasconclude that effective participation in a program of well targeted strength training is an important mechanism for the loss or weight management.


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How to Cite
Neves, D. R., Martins, Éber A., Souza, M. V. C., & Silva Junior, A. J. (2015). Strength training effects on the percentage ofbody fat in adults. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 9(52), 135-141. Retrieved from
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