Evaluation of bowel habit and fiber food intake in elderly
The growing number of elderly population has aroused the interest of scholars and researchers, especially in the pursuit of providing the elderly years of life, but lived with quality and dignity. In this context, the understanding of the role of nutrition in health promotion of the elderly takes on a greater depth. Proper nutritional guidance is effective for a better quality of life and, in particular, better control of chronic non communicable diseases. There are many factors that cause constipation in the elderly, such as social, psychological and organic nutritional issues,physical. However, the most common cause is dietary order, where there is a lack of incentive for good bowel function due to inadequate intake of calories, fluids and fibers. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of constipation and its association with the amount of dietary fiber ingested an elderly population belonging to a group of Open University seniors. This was a cross-sectional study of students aged 60 years. We evaluated the presence of constipation according to the Rome II criteria, and the amount of fibers that make up the power by using 24-hour recall. Of the twenty-two participants, five had constipation, accounting for 22.72 %. The fibers were ingested grams of 14.92 g/day for the group of constipation and 14.48 g/day for the groupof non-constipated.
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