Body mass index and intake of macronutrients in the elderly

  • Luana Munaretto Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste -UNICENTRO -Guarapuava -PR
  • Indiomara Baratto Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste -UNICENTRO -Guarapuava -PR
  • Raquel Rosalva Gatti Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste -UNICENTRO -Guarapuava -PR
  • Thalita Frutuoso Universidade Federal de São Paulo -UNIFESP -São Paulo -SP
Keywords: Elderly, Nutritional status, Body mass index, Nutrients


The main cause of cardiovascular disease and high rates of overweight, and obesity and malnutrition is inadequate foodconsumption. Age above 60 years is marked by bodily changes, problems associated with teething, gastrointestinal and psychological that may reflect the nutritional status. A healthy diet should be varied, balanced in order to meet the energy and nutritional needs of the individual. The aim of this study was to evaluate the intake of macronutrients and link to nutritional status. UnATI through the 24-hour recall and the body mass index -22 elderly of the Open University of the Third Age were evaluated. As a result, we found that 76.9% of the elderly have less than the required consumption, 63.64% have to be eutrophic.

Author Biography

Indiomara Baratto, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste -UNICENTRO -Guarapuava -PR

Nutricionista, Especialista em Nutrição Clí­nica e Mestranda em Obstetrí­cia.


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How to Cite
Munaretto, L., Baratto, I., Gatti, R. R., & Frutuoso, T. (2014). Body mass index and intake of macronutrients in the elderly. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 8(46). Retrieved from
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