Intragastric balloon: evolution of a multidisciplinary clinical treatment in weight loss and waist circumference

  • Felipe Donatto IBPEFEX/ Clinica Brunetii Obesogastrocentro
  • Samara Dantas Batista Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal-RN, Brasil.
  • Alessandra Hellbrugge IBPEFEX/ Clinica Brunetii Obesogastrocentro
  • Francisco Navarro Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís-MA, Brasil
  • Fábio Henrique Ornellas IBPEFEX/ Clinica Brunetii Obesogastrocentro
  • Hugo Comparotto Programa de Pós Graduação em Obesidade e Emagrecimento
Keywords: Physical activity, Multidisciplinary team, Overweight, Eating habits


Obesity is a multifactorial disease with high prevalence and alarming epidemic character, becoming one of the major public health problems nowadays. The technique of intragastric balloon (BIB) is ideal for patients with 40 % of overweight and whose previous clinical treatments have failed, even with a multidisciplinary approach. The aim was to evaluate weight loss and waist circumference after the first, third and sixth month of treatment with BIB and multidisciplinary team. The study was retrospective, collecting information in the database and records of private clinics. Entered in this analysis just patients who already completed 6 months of treatment. Weight, BMI and waist circumferencebefore commissioning and during the treatment of 31 patients were evaluated. The average weight "pre BIB " was 110.5 kg, BMI 39.7 kg / m². After 1 month of treatment, a reduction to 100.7 kg and 39.7 kg / m². After 3 months, the numbers decreased to 95.1 kg and 34.2 kg / m². At the end of six months, the development has proved very favorable with 89.9 kg and 32.3 kg / m². The results for the abdominal circumference were also considered satisfactory, 120.1, 113.4, 107.9, 102.1, respectively, representing the evolution pre 1 month, 3 months and 6 months of treatment. The use of the BIB, associated with the multidisciplinary treatment team specialist in the treatment of patients with this profile, promotes reduction in weight and waist circumference, due to the change in eating habits and inclusion of regular physical activity.


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How to Cite
Donatto, F., Batista, S. D., Hellbrugge, A., Navarro, F., Ornellas, F. H., & Comparotto, H. (2014). Intragastric balloon: evolution of a multidisciplinary clinical treatment in weight loss and waist circumference. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 8(45). Retrieved from
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