Reeducation food and physical activity in the city Nova Olinda do Norte-AM: report of experience

  • Talita Duarte Oliveira Universidade Gama Filho (UGF)
Keywords: Physical activity, Nutritional education, Overweight, Obesity


Introduction: Due to changes in dietary patterns and lifestyle habits of the population, increased incidence of chronic diseases that have been linked directly to obesity.The program aimsto introduceintergenerationalgroup exercisesaimed atchangingthe lifestylewith a focus onnutritional educationandphysical activity. Objective: Given the above, the purpose of thisstudy is to report on the implementation and development of a group conducted by NASF team in a unit of the Family Health Program in the municipality of Nova Olinda do Norte-AM. Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive study with people aged 11-70 years, subjected to practices of physical activity and eating habits. Lectures and measurement of weight and waist circumference were performed weekly before exercise, within 3 months. Results: we found that the majority (93%) were female and there was the prevalence of obesity class II (36%), followed by overweight (22%) and grade I and III (14% in both). With the change of life style, 78.6% of the participants had obtained a weight loss equivalent to the range from 0.5 kg to 8.6 kg. But 7.1% mantraweight and 14.3% increased their body composition. Conclusion: The program was effective in weight loss for most participants and there was increased interest in physical activity as well as healthier eating habits in all participants.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, T. D. (2013). Reeducation food and physical activity in the city Nova Olinda do Norte-AM: report of experience. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 7(41). Retrieved from
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