Obesity and the parabolic nature of weight loss curve: an imposed pattern

  • Jair Rodrigues Garcia Junior Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)
Keywords: Obesity, Weight loss, Diet, Caloric restriction, Hypothalamus


Introduction: The diet therapy to obesity is difficult because, following energy restriction, weight loss does not describes a linear downward curve, that is, the loss is greater on first weeks andbecame smaller late, as a parabolic curve. Objective: It was to introduce the aspects related to body weight control and propose a decomposed description of weight loss curve. Materials and methods: Review of the indexed papers searched on mainly indexingdata basis, concerning to terms: overweight, obesity, weight loss, weight control, diet, caloric restriction, energy restriction, very low caloric diet, hypothalamus, energy metabolism, energy expenditure e hormone. Results: During the energy restriction it is observed an adaptation of physiological mechanisms responsible by regulation of hunger and satiety, as a fall of leptin signaling to arcuate nucleus and increased of the parasympathetic autonomous nervous system’s tonus. This way, diet fails. In order to better describe the process, we propose a decomposition of weight loss curve in three segments and a denomination of SAR curve, because at begin of diet, the energy deficiency represents a “Shock” and there is a delay on response to this new condition. After few weeks, “Adaptation” of the mechanism responsible to maintain the energy stores occurs and continue active, becoming more efficient as a “Resistance” to additional weight loss. Conclusion: The adaptations and resistance to weight loss characterizes homeostatic control and explain, in part, the difficult found by subjects to reduce body fat.

Author Biography

Jair Rodrigues Garcia Junior, Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)

Doutor em Fisiologia Humana pelo ICB-USP; Professor do Curso de Educação Fí­sica da UNOESTE; áreas: Fisiologia, Fisiologia do Exercí­cio, Bioquí­mica do Exercí­cio, Nutrição


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How to Cite
Garcia Junior, J. R. (2013). Obesity and the parabolic nature of weight loss curve: an imposed pattern. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 7(38). Retrieved from https://www.rbone.com.br/index.php/rbone/article/view/300
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