Nutritional intervention in the treatment of patients obesity

  • Thais Siqueira de Moraes Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu em Obesidade e Emagrecimento da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
Keywords: Obesity, Slimming, Diet therapy


The obesity is a disease with some concepts, but with a thing in common: a disequilibrium between what is ingested and what is consumed, beyond the extreme accumulation of fat. The etiology is of multifactorial and normally it is associated to the not-transmissible chronic disease. Today is not only considered one public health problem but a world-wide epidemic, considering that the number of obese people and with overweight in the world is growing extremely fast, close to 1.7 billion. The diagnosis and classification can be gotten through the Index of Corporal Mass (IMC) and the treatment basically is divided in 5 types of intervention: physical, psychological, with medications, surgical and nutritional. The nutritional intervention is the base of any treatment of the obesity and today exists some theories, strategies and cares special for the emagrecimento of the obsesses who had or not been submitted to the surgery of reduction of the stomach. The patient must be treated individually, considering all his particularititiesto choose the best dietoterapy. A sufficiently minute work is necessary that demands much attention and devotion of the team to multidiscipline involved so that if it obtains to get resulted positive, beyond the education and adhesion of the patient to the treatment.


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How to Cite
Moraes, T. S. de. (2012). Nutritional intervention in the treatment of patients obesity. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 1(3). Retrieved from
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