Juvenile obesity: a challenge to be won - Systematic review
Introduction: The children’s obesity is defined, like in adults, by an excessive accumulation of mass of fat. Esteems that 15% of Brazilian children are obese. Objective: check the specific aspects in the clinical treatment for obesity and nutrition of children and adolescents. Methodology: systematic review of 16 national articles from 1984 to 2008. Results: In the studies analyzed in this review were found to be increased by 92%, the prevalence of childhood obesity while malnutrition remained practically unchanged. Regarding the practice of physical activity the boys exercised more intense activity than girls, and they attended fewer physical education classes. Assessing the intake of adolescents, there was the detection of 3.645kcal media daily, and 77.9% ate high fat content. Conclusion: Obesity can be treated through dietary restriction, exercise, drug regulators of appetite and even surgeries. Dietary treatment is usually based on stimulating the reduction of foods high in fat and simple sugars, emphasizing the consumption of foods with low calories and high concentration of fibers such as fruits, vegetables and all kinds of grain. The encouragement of physical activity is of great importance in the treatment of obesity, since the exercise serves to increase energy expenditure leading to a balance between caloric intake andenergy expenditure, contributing to the balance of body weight.
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