Assessment of nutritional status and body fat percentage of students in the mode of bodybuilding

  • Monica da Silva Reis Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da UGF em Obesidade e Emagrecimento. Graduação, em Nutrição pela Faculdade de Pará de Minas
  • Myrna Silva Silvério Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da UGF em Obesidade e Emagrecimento. Graduação em Educação Fí­sica, pela Universidade Presidente Antonio Carlos
  • Samara Borges e Lauriano Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da UGF em Obesidade e Emagrecimento. Graduação em Educação Fí­sica
Keywords: Assessment, Nutritional status, Fat percentage, Bodybuilding


The aim of this study was to profile the nutritional status and body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat along with lean mass the body has in bodybuilding students of both sexes enrolled in an academy in the city of Pardons, State of Minas Gerais. This work includes a general on the assessment of nutritional status that signifies the student's health condition influenced by the consumption and use of nutrients and physical activity that isan important element in the prevention, maintenance and weight loss, making it a habit of life as natural as pleasurable.Methods: Of the 30 students enrolled in the sport of bodybuilding, we selected 10 students aged between 24-40 years of age. We used askinfold (Cescorf) to measure the skinfold measurements, where the student was wearing light clothes and easy to handle for ease of measurement for assessing body fat percentage, measurements were recorded in a physical assessment program (System for BodyFit Fitness Assessment Test) which gets the results of fat percentage. Weight and height were measured by mechanical scale with Filizola anthropometer (meter high) for nutritional assessment by calculating the BMI (Body Mass Index). Results: We observed that 10% is the perfect weight, 90% of the population is overweight, where overweight is 66.66% and 33.33% are overweight. In relation to body fat percentage, 100% of the population is above the ideal value. Conclusion: The students of the sport of bodybuilding are overweight and the percentage of excess body fat could be suggested to them a regular strength training along with a healthy diet with low calorie, promoting a reduction in body fat.


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How to Cite
Reis, M. da S., Silvério, M. S., & Borges e Lauriano, S. (2012). Assessment of nutritional status and body fat percentage of students in the mode of bodybuilding. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 4(20). Retrieved from
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