Analysis of IMC and percentage of body fat in relation to menarche in female adolescents in Serra Negra-SP

  • Cristiane Aparecida Pedroso Cózaro Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição do Exercí­cio.
Keywords: Menarche, BMI, Body fat percentage


Objective:To relate the menarche according to BMI and body fat percentage. Materials and Methods:To have the data to the first menstruation of girls method was used "status quo", and the girls that the response was positive retrospective method was used by the interview, were also collected data such as weight , height, chronological age and triceps skinfold, subscapular, regarding BMI and body fat percentage. About the materials we used, a stadiometer, a scale, measuring tape and skinfold. No records were used in adolescents with diseases that compromise the occurrence of menarche. Thestatistics usedin this study wasdescriptive. Results:It is observed in this study that half of the girls about weight in relation to BMI and with a body fat percentage above the desirable level, half have had their first menstruation while the normal weight or those with a normal percentage of body fat, a value less presented have passed through menarche (30% to 40%). But it is clear that the advanced age of menarche in obese also in eutrophic with a mean age of 11 years. Conclusion:The results of girls overweight indicate that elevated BMI both as the percentage of body fat, influencing early menarche, but one can not attribute this anticipation only to change the nutritional profile of the sample. Other untested factors may becon tributing to this.


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How to Cite
Pedroso Cózaro, C. A. (2012). Analysis of IMC and percentage of body fat in relation to menarche in female adolescents in Serra Negra-SP. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 6(33). Retrieved from
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