Nutritional status and obesity in adolescents from a public school

  • Alessandra Xavier dos Santos Especialista em Obesidade e Emagrecimento pela UGF, Nutrição Clí­nica pela ASBRAN, Nutrição Hospitalar pelo ICHC-FMUSP e Nutricionista da Seção de Atendimento Ambulatorial da Divisão de Nutrição e Dietética do Instituto Central do Hospital das Clí­nicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo


To evaluate the factors that lead adolescents to obesity in public schools. the sampled adolescents, aged between 12 and 14 years, overweight and obesity. Students were assessed individually where weight and height was measured. For nutritional assessment by anthropometry, we used the body mass index (BMI). 12 adolescents participated in the study divided into two groups of 58.4% (07) female and 41.6% (05) males. The evaluation showed significant differences between the sexes with respect to weight and height. In the analysis of BMI classification, the prevailing classification of overweight for both sexes. Comparison of the anthropometric values, stratified by BMI, it is observed that the group has a higher stature are classified as overweight and those rated lower in grade 3 obesity. It was perceived high BMI, high weight in both sexes generated by a poor diet and physical inactivity

How to Cite
dos Santos, A. X. (2012). Nutritional status and obesity in adolescents from a public school. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 5(29). Retrieved from