The role of L-Arginine supplementation on biochemical and functional parameters in healthy subjects and patients with chronic mon-communicable diseases

  • Danielle Giovanini Lage Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Obesidade e Emagrecimento
  • Gleisson Alisson Pereira de Brito Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Obesidade e Emagrecimento
Keywords: L-arginine, Endothelial function, Insulin resistance, Obesity


Obesity and insulin resistance are major risk factors for these diseases, noted for the metabolic syndrome (MS). The MS is accompanied by inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, which is characterized by alteration of the vascular relaxation due to reduced bioavailability of relaxing factors, like as nitric oxide (NO). The amino acid L-arginine is a precursor of NO and its supplementation can modulate the ability of vascular dilation and decrease glucose synthesis. Objective: Analyze the effects of L-arginine supplementation on lipid profile, insulin resistance, ADMA, adiponectin, CRP, BP, BMI, and endothelial function in healthy subjects and patients with chronic diseases. Materials and methods: review of articles from databases and Web sites specific to the area of health, published since 1998. Literature review: We evaluated the effects ofL-arginine supplementation on the variables previously mentioned in healthy subjects and patients with chronic diseases. Conclusion: The use of L-arginine at doses above 9g/day or below 6.5g/day appears to not provide significant results in the investigated variables. Research that showed positive results with the use of L-arginine at doses below 6.5g/day were associated with other supplements, making it impossible to correlate these results to an independent effect of L-arginine. The use of doses higher than 9g/day, even when combined with other supplements, does not provide significant results on the investigated variables


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-WHO. acessado em 27/08/2011.

How to Cite
Lage, D. G., & de Brito, G. A. P. (2012). The role of L-Arginine supplementation on biochemical and functional parameters in healthy subjects and patients with chronic mon-communicable diseases. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 5(28). Retrieved from
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