Relationship between sleep quality, eating habits and nutritional state of health workers working night shifts at na urgent care center

  • Jardel Feldens Universidade do Vale do Taquari-Univates, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
  • Alana Luisa Scherer Universidade do Vale do Taquari-Univates, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
  • Fernanda Scherer Adami Universidade do Vale do Taquari-Univates, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Keywords: Sleep, Occupational health, Nutritional Science


Introduction: Sleep deprivation due to long night shifts and exhausting work routines negatively affect human nutrition and health, leading to weight gain and influencing workers' nutrition. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between sleep quality, eating habits and nutritional status of health professionals working night shifts in an Emergency Care Unit. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional exploratory study, with a sample of 30 professionals of both sexes. Data collection consisted of measuring weight and height to classify nutritional status, in addition to a structured questionnaire, the Dutch Questionnaire on Eating Behavior and the Reduced Eating Frequency Questionnaire - Elsa-Brasil. Data were considered significant at a maximum significance level of 5%. Results and Discussion: Most professionals 66.6% (n=20) were overweight and 60% (n=18) had external feeding as the most frequently practiced eating style. The weekly intake of fruits and vegetables was insufficient, occurring 5.3 and 4.8 days a week, respectively, while consuming foods characterized as ultra-processed, on average 7.3 times a week. A higher weekly consumption of pizzas or baked snacks was observed among individuals classified as grade I obesity (p=0.047). Conclusion: The professionals working at night are mostly overweight, eating style more often practiced external intake and do not have adequate eating habits. The weekly consumption of pizzas or baked snacks was significantly higher among individuals classified as grade I obesity.


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How to Cite
Feldens, J., Scherer, A. L., & Adami, F. S. (2024). Relationship between sleep quality, eating habits and nutritional state of health workers working night shifts at na urgent care center. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 18(114), 588-598. Retrieved from
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