Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in among users of a psychosocial care center
Introduction: Evidence points to the vulnerability of individuals with mental disorders to risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. Objective: To assess risk factors for cardiovascular disease in users assisted at a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) in Itaqui. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study with users of both sexes and aged ≥ 20 years. Sociodemographic, clinical, food consumption and lifestyle data were obtained by applying a questionnaire and medical records; and anthropometric measurements were taken (weight, height and waist circumference). For the assessment of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, the following factors were considered: anthropometric (excess weight and increased waist circumference); clinical (diseases and use of medication); dietary (daily consumption: lower for fruits and vegetables; and high for foods high in sugar and fat) and lifestyle (physical inactivity, alcohol and tobacco consumption). Data analysis was performed through descriptive analysis. Results: There was a predominance of female users, older, with lower income and education. A large number of participants with pre-existing illnesses and medication use were identified. The most prevalent risk factors were: overweight, increased waist circumference; presence of at least one pathology; medication use; low daily consumption of beans, fruits, vegetables and legumes; daily consumption of foods high in sugar, fat and sodium; and physical inactivity. Conclusion: The evidenced presence of cardiovascular risk factors points to the need for regular actions to promote health and a healthy lifestyle in this population.
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