Medicational and nutritional management of obesity: A comparative analysis
Introduction: The management of obesity should be conducted primarily by modifying the lifestyle (diet and physical activity), however if successive failures occur in this first option, one can use slimming drugs as a complementary therapy to the previous one. of this study is to compare nutritional and drug treatment between obese patients using or not using anti-obesity drugs. Materials and methods: This is a quantitative, exploratory, and descriptive field research carried out from April to May 2023. Obese patients were divided into two groups, namely: Group A: Dietary intervention and Group B: use of medication anti-obesity in terms of anthropometric and qualitative variables. Paired t tests and descriptive statistics were applied with a significance of p<0.05. Results and discussion: When comparing the anthropometric results between the groups, it was seen that B had more expressive results in all parameters, however some factors interfered in the accuracy of this result, including the period of data collection and the divergence in the time interval of the consultations between groups. Conclusion: Therefore, the effectiveness of the drugs and the diet was verified, since both groups lost weight, however, larger and longer trials are needed in order to have a more comprehensive representation of the results found. In addition, more robust research, in sample and time, can more accurately determine whether the benefits outweigh the risks in the long term and whether there is weight regain after weaning from medications.
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