Signs and symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in people undergoing hormonal transition in the municipality of Camaragibe-PE

  • Ana Claudia Batista da Costa Faculdade de Comunicação Tecnologia e Turismo de Olinda (FACOTTUR), Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasil.
  • Thaynara Lays Sales Brandão Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife (FAFIRE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.
  • Jakeline Olindina Francelino Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil.
Keywords: Transsexuals, Hormone, Nutritional


Introduction: Transsexuality can be understood as the condition of the individual whose gender identity differs from that designated at birth. There are few studies on food and nutrition of this public in Brazil. Thus, in addition to attention and caution in nutritional assessment due to metabolic and bodily changes, nutrition care is important in monitoring the health of the trans person who uses hormones, to attenuate these metabolic effects and prevent Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries (DANTs). Objective: To evaluate the signs and symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in people who are undergoing hormonal transition in the municipality of Camaragibe-PE. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative study, carried out in the municipality of Camaragibe-PE in 2022. The sample consisted of 37 participants regularly hormoned, for hormonal transition whether female or male. Data were collected through the application of the Metabolic Tracking Questionnaire (QRM) validated by the Brazilian Center for Functional Nutrition, with the construction of the database in Excel and the performance of statistical analyses. Results and discussion: Around 83.78% (n=31) of the sample showed hypersensitivity and about 68% of the participants were absolutely sure of hypersensitivity, demonstrating aspects of dysbiosis, based on the QRM interpretation. Conclusion: It is important to use direct instruments to assess intestinal dysbiosis, that is, new investigations on the subject. In addition to the importance of having the role of a nutritionist in the multidisciplinary team, providing support, guiding this public through nutritional education, with an emphasis on intestinal health.


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How to Cite
Costa, A. C. B. da, Brandão, T. L. S., & Francelino, J. O. (2024). Signs and symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in people undergoing hormonal transition in the municipality of Camaragibe-PE. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 18(113), 347-354. Retrieved from
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