Prevalence of obesity cases in the municipality of Cela

  • Victorino Correia Kinhama Mestre em Fitopatologia, Docente de Matemática e Nutrição pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Mariquinha Hedmira Agostinho Alberto Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Marisa Domingos Fonseca Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Mariza Celestino Xavier Cabiete Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Martinho Conoquena Job Paulino Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Matias Ndumbo Candido Cassapi Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Mauricio Candido Cassapi Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Miquilina Januário Miguel Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
  • Monteiro da Costa Joaquim Castela Técnicos em Enfermagem Geral pelo Instituto Técnico de Saude da Cela, Cuanza-Sul-Angola.
Keywords: Malnutrition, Overweight, Obese


With the objective of evaluating the prevalence of obesity in the municipality of Cela, province of Kwanza-sul Angola, with the methodology that was applied so as to satisfy the study in the collection of data, which was using interview guide with open and closed questions, obtaining a sample of 1097 individuals all residents in the main commune, where 11.8% of the interviewed population belongs to the Blue Neighbourhood, 11.6% belongs to Moreno Neighbourhood, 11.3% belongs to Livestock Neighbourhood and Valódia Neighbourhood respectively, while Tunga, Military Neighbourhood, Field, City, Neighbourhood 5 represent about 10% each. Of the surveyed population, the largest representation of the underweight population consists of the age group 11 to 20 years for the three subgroups, whose 27.5% are female and 33.9% are male. The ages between 11 to 40 years of age for the feminine gender and of 11 to 30 for the masculine gender presented greater index of overweight with 23.3% for the feminine gender and 33.2% masculine with great risk of disease and 3.2% of the Feminine gender and 7.8% Masculine with high risk of disease, in this made, adolescent and young are in the order of the 88.99% with the low weight and 70.2% with the excess of weight. 26.6% of the Feminine gender and 23.7% of the masculine gender do not practise physical activities. The emergence of obesity in Cela is linked to inadequate eating habits, which justifies the 9.95% of the population with underweight, 37.37% overweight.


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How to Cite
Correia Kinhama, V., Hedmira Agostinho Alberto, M., Domingos Fonseca, M., Celestino Xavier Cabiete, M., Conoquena Job Paulino, M., Ndumbo Candido Cassapi, M., Candido Cassapi, M., Januário Miguel, M., & da Costa Joaquim Castela, M. (2024). Prevalence of obesity cases in the municipality of Cela. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 18(112), 118-129. Retrieved from
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