Pasteurized peach: a strategy to increase the durability of this raw material at the Caxias do Sul-RS food bank
The impact of food waste on society and the environment is significant, with losses occurring at all stages of the production chain. The Caxias do Sul-RS Food Bank aims to promote food security by distributing non-commercial but suitable for consumption food to registered families and charitable organizations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pasteurization on the chemical, physical, and microbiological characteristics of peaches. To achieve this, the total phenolic compounds, total carotenoids, antioxidant activity, color, pH, acidity, soluble solids, E. coli, Salmonella sp., and molds and yeasts, as well as coliforms at 45°C of chopped or mashed and pasteurized fruits (90°C for 1, 2, and 3 minutes) were evaluated and compared to the control (without pasteurization). The results showed that the heat treatment reduced the total carotenoid content but did not affect the total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity at all three treatment times. Pasteurization influenced the color parameters but increased the tendency towards orange color of the mashed samples. Regarding microbiological results, the samples met the legislation recommendation and were suitable for consumption. Therefore, it can be concluded that pasteurization at 90°C for 1 minute is a viable and safe option to preserve the characteristics of peaches and increase the utilization of this fruit.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Chilanti, Elizete Maria Pesamosca Facco , Kelly Estarla dos Passos Andreis , Júnia Capua de Lima Novello
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