Acupuncture treatment aid in body weight loss: an integrative review
Obesity can result from the amount and type of food consumed, regularity of food and emotional state while eating, being considered a chronic non-communicable disease, considered one of the important risk factors for other complications such as: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, diseases cardiovascular. The study aimed to perform an integrative synthesis on overweight and obesity treatments with acupuncture. The review was developed through online databases, PubMed and VHL, from December 2021 to February 2022, using the descriptors acupuncture treatment, obesity and weight loss. Using the eligibility criteria, a total of 206 results were found. After reading titles, abstracts and complete works, 06 studies were selected to integrate the review. Faced with several drug treatments, associated with several adverse reactions, acupuncture could be identified as a line of treatment of first choice, due to its safety, efficacy and few adverse events reported.
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