Preparation of a guideline booklet for young people on intuitive eating

  • Hellen Elias Viveiros de Ávila Graduanda em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário Dante - UNIDANTE, Blumenau-SC, Brasil.
  • Henrique Eduardo Hass Graduando em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário Dante - UNIDANTE, Blumenau-SC, Brasil.
  • Laís Sabrine de Oliveira Professora do curso de Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário Dante - UNIDANTE, Blumenau-SC, Brasil.
Keywords: Intuitive eating, Behavioral nutrition, Educational booklet, Dichotomy, Food and nutrition education


The educational material seeks to help and guide young people, in a clear, objective and scientifically based way, to review the diets and rules imposed by society through clarification on Intuitive Eating and how it can help maintain a healthy relationship with food. The elaboration of the material took place in three stages: construction of the educational booklet, analysis and validation of the educational material by the counselor, also analysis and validation by a nutritionist specialized in humanized nutritional care, using a questionnaire adapted from the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM), (Sousaet al., 2015). The criteria adopted for the choice of a nutrition professional to help in the validation process of the booklet was based on her knowledge about behavioral nutrition and experience with the intuitive eating approach. The choice of the theme came from discussions about how nutrition today is very focused on what can and cannot be consumed and the search for the "perfect" body, according to the aesthetic standards imposed by world society. One of the aspects pointed out by the specialist was the proximity with the reader, the use of positive language that addresses them. Another point was the inadequacy of the size of the texts and the use of language, since it would not be suitable for the target audience. The booklet is a relevant and innovative material in teaching about healthy eating, considering the physiological, emotional, and cultural aspects, promoting health and quality of life.


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How to Cite
Ávila, H. E. V. de, Hass, H. E., & Oliveira, L. S. de. (2023). Preparation of a guideline booklet for young people on intuitive eating. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 17(106), 99-109. Retrieved from
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