Centesimal composition and adequacy to the legislation of protein bars in different portions
The protein bars offer the consumer the proposal to supplement the diet with a greater supply of proteins, destined mainly to the practitioners of physical activities. Reading nutritional information is important to assist the consumer in their food choices. According to Brazilian nutrition labeling legislation, protein supplements must contain at least 10g of protein per serving, 50% of calories must come from protein and the variation between the nutrients on the label and the amount found in analyzes should not exceed 20% tolerance, and the images and descriptions on the packaging should not lead the consumer to error. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutrient content in protein bars and to verify compliance according to the nutritional labeling and protein bars laws. The three brands analyzed were in disagreement with the Resolutions of the Collegiate Board of Directors (RDC) nº 259/2002, nº 360/2003 and nº 18/2010, since all had more than one nutrient that exceeded 20% of tolerance, all were classified as energy bars and non-protein bars and lack of standardization was observed in the portions in which the bars are commercialized, which can lead the consumer to error. It is necessary that companies comply with nutrition labeling legislation and that there is greater control by the food control agencies, since the lack of trustworthiness in the nutritional information available damages the consumer's right to know exactly what they are consuming, hindering their food choices.
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