Preparation multidisciplinary bariatric surgery in pre-view of the client

  • Silvéria Maria Peixoto Larêdo Oréfice de Camargo Universidade de Guarulhos UnG
  • Simone Patrí­cia Masari Centro Universitário UNIFAFIBE de Bebedouro-SP
  • Tamires Inácio Centro Universitário UNIFAFIBE de Bebedouro-SP
Keywords: Obesity, Preoperative, Bariatric surgery


Obesity is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body, and the factors that contribute to this weight gain related to the facilities of modern life. Behind The study aimed at identifying the importance of monitoring pre-operatively in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. This is a descriptive study of quantitative approach, with field study design in which individual questionnaire was administered multiple choice beforehand. We studied 31 patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Of these 26 were female (83.87%) through the analysis ofthe age variable were observed between patients 18 and over 48 years with a mean age of 33 years, relative to the preparation 27 (87%) reported being very importance of preparation; 23 (74.19%) stated that the reason the surgery was for co morbidities (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, sleep apnea, depression, arthritis and others) for the treatment of obesity, all have said have made some kind of medical treatment including diet, medications, exercise and psychological support; on the multidisciplinary team 28 (90.32%) agree the team's importance to obtain good results. It is concluded that the preparation in view of the multidisciplinary patient provides greater knowledge about the procedures to be performed, and changes that will have to take to the success of treatment in the postoperative period.


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How to Cite
Camargo, S. M. P. L. O. de, Masari, S. P., & Inácio, T. (2012). Preparation multidisciplinary bariatric surgery in pre-view of the client. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 6(32). Retrieved from
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