Eating disorder in homossexual men in the European Valley-SC: determining factors
Because eating disorders occur more often in women, research into men's development is limited. This fact ends up creating a distorted view of behavior seen only in females, providing that the male audience leave to seek treatment, not to accept the possibility of having a disease of "woman." This study evaluated the prevalence of eating upset, which is formed by the negative relationship with food, generating behaviors that influence the emergence of eating disorders (ED), and the factors associated with this behavior in resident gay men in the cities that make up the circuit European-SC. A total of 137 gay men took part in the research by fills adaptations of nine silhouettes and Scale questionnaire Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26), online applied through Google Forms platform. It was found that 98.53% demonstrate dissatisfaction with their own body image, idealizing a body with smaller circumferences and more toned muscles, considering that the shape of the body and the muscles worked are valued among homosexual men in the search for potential partners. When checked the score generated by responses the EAT-26, 97.08% of participants present behaviors suggestive of TA, and 74.45% deduct their social or family problems in food. The results, combined with the few studies carried out with this public, demonstrate the need for new research, giving health professionals greater familiarization with the problems of this population.
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