Training aerobic: perspectives about intensities returned to the weig loss in adolescentes

  • Bruno de Souza Vespasiano Faculdades de Ciências Sociais e Agrárias de Itapeva- FAIT. Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba- Mestrado em Educação Fí­sica.
  • Daniela Cristina Fornazarri Tiene Mestrando em Educação Física pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Faculdades de Ciências da Saúde
Keywords: Obesity, Physical exercise, Intensity, Duration


The obesity in the last 25 years is an epidemic that grows so much at the developed countries as in the countries in development. With that, the concern with the health and decrease of the own obesity receives prominence in the areas returned to the treatment and prevention of the disease. The physical exercise, wins your space and more and more it is indicated as measure it executes in the treatment and decrease of the corporal fat. The present study makes a revision among the bases of data you inform considered, looking for explanations on which intensity worked in the exercise aerobic makes possible larger fat consumption as energy substratum in the search for the weigh loss. It is ended that studies with relationship to intensities, duration and training types should be deepened, therefore, in several works and studies here mentioned the researchers they arrived to positive results generating divergences in the methodology, intensities, duration, training types and results found in the works.


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How to Cite
Vespasiano, B. de S., & Tiene, D. C. F. (2012). Training aerobic: perspectives about intensities returned to the weig loss in adolescentes. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 6(32). Retrieved from
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