Resistive exerciseafter bariatric surgery:case report
The treatment more considered to the patients gastroplastyafter-surgery is based on the nutrition and the physical exercise. You evidence although them beneficial that the adhesion of the regular physical exercise provides to the patient gastroplastyafter-surgery, they have little story with lapsing of the resisted muscle exercise (RME)objective of this was to analyze the benefits of four weeks of RME on the corporal weight, relation waist/hip and percentage offat in a patient gastroplastyafter-surgery. For sample an individual with age of 45 years was selected, of the masculine, resident sort in the Várzea Grande City (MT). The RME program was carried through three sessions per week, with minimum duration of 1 hour, in devices of academy. The instruments used for the collection of the data had been: electronic scale marks Toledo®, for the verification of the corporal weight (kg); metric ribbon (Cescorf ®) with precision of 0,1cm, in the measurement of the circumferences and the stature, and cardiac monitor (Polar®) for the control of the intensity during physical exercise. For the analysis of the data, with it stopped the moments initial and final of the values of the corporal weight, circumferences (waist, abdomen, hip) percentile of fat of the body-builderprogram. One concludes that the body-builderpractised during four weeks promoted: reduction of the corporal and percentile weight of fat, profit of force and maintenance of the muscular mass. Thus, the body-builder prescribed with intervals assisted in the reduction of the corporal fat and in the improvement of the physical aptitude gastroplastyafter-surgery of the patient obese.
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