Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients hypertensions’ and in the basic units of health in the Diadema city

  • Elaine Cristina dos Santos Faculdades Integradas de Santo André, Santo André, SP
  • Gabriela Mayara Malta Faculdades Integradas de Santo André, Santo André, SP
  • Milena Baptista Bueno Faculdades Integradas de Santo André, Santo André, SP
Keywords: Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular risk factors


The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) has increased in recent decades, making it necessary to know its prevalence and key actions for health. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of metabolic syndromein hypertensive and diabetics patients treated in basic health units (BHU) of Diadema. One hundred and one patients over 40 years old and type II diabetes and / or hypertension treated in BHU were studied. For classification of metabolic syndrome, we used the criterion of the NCEP-ATP III (waist circumference, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure and fasting plasma glucose). Data were obtained from medical records (laboratory tests performed in the last six months), weight, height and waist circumference in addition to interview. Of the total, 68 were women (67.3%) and 33 men (32.7%). It was noted that 75 individuals (74.3%) had metabolic syndrome, whereas among women was 77.9% and 66.7% for men. The majority (71.3%) was overweight. The prevalence of MS among those with adequate weight was 34.5% while among those who were overweight 90.3% (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in prevalence of metabolic syndromeaccordingto age, education, smoking and physical activity. Corroborating other studies, the SM reaches a large population of diabetic and hypertensive patients and they are a priority group for prevention actions. Strategies for reducing body weight can be effective for controlling this syndrome.


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How to Cite
dos Santos, E. C., Malta, G. M., & Bueno, M. B. (2012). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients hypertensions’ and in the basic units of health in the Diadema city. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 3(18). Retrieved from
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