Prevalence and risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome in members of the brazilian army garrison in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State
Introduction: Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is one of the main challenges of the century. Studies show a panorama of an epidemic associated with obesity, warning about the risks to global health. The military is no exception, even with regular physical training, restricted dietary patterns and an active lifestyle, they are also subject to being affected by the syndrome. Aim: To identify the prevalence and risk factors associated with MetS in military personnel of the Brazilian Army (BA) Garrison in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State. Materias and methods: This cross-sectional study consisting of 224 military service members in Military Organizations of the BA. Data was collected through a sociodemographic questionnaire, anthropometric assessment, arterial blood pressure and analysis of electronic health records to obtain the results of biochemical tests. MetS was classified according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) criteria. Results: MetS prevalence was 16.1%, syndromic subjects being older and having a longer military career (p<0.001), had greater weight and BMI (p<0.001). Clinical parameters of those with MetS showed (p<0.001). The military members who did not do physical activity presented MetS increased in 106.3%. Conclusion: Although less prone to obesity when compared to civilians, a great number of military personnel in the study sample was overweight or obese. The research also highlighted the strong association between physical inactivity and MetS.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alessandra Soares Ayres Fraga, Rômulo de Oliveira Fraga, Natielen Jacques Schuch

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