Intestinal dysbiosis in students of the nutrition major of a university of adjacent area of Florianópolis

  • Eliz Garcia Ferreira Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Unidade Pedra Branca, Palhoça-SC, Brasil.
  • Marília Costa de Araujo Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Unidade Pedra Branca, Palhoça-SC, Brasil.
Keywords: Dysbiosis., Microbiota., Gastrointestinal Tract.


The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) has a significant relation with the general state of the human organism. The balance between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their interactions, are able to determine host health. Internal and external factors can determine the equilibrium of the bacterial ecosystem. If well balanced, the body remains protected and healthy. If there is an imbalance, can increase the number of pathogens that manifest through signs and symptoms throughout the body, characterizing a state of intestinal dysbiosis. Objective: To evaluate intestinal dysbiosis in students of the Nutrition major of a university of adjacent area of Florianópolis. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative study. The data obtained through the application of the Metabolic Tracking Questionnaire adapted to the gastrointestinal symptoms and Bristol scale in 128 students of the Nutrition major of a university of adjacent area of Florianópolis. Results: 29.69% presented symptoms of dysbiosis and 16.41% of feces type with risk for dysbiosis. The main symptoms presented were belching and / or intestinal gas (82.82%), followed by abdominal swelling / distension (80.47%) and stomach / intestinal pain (60.94%). The most frequent type of stool was type 3 (46.88%). Conclusion: The prevalence of signs and symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in students of the Nutrition course is low, probably because they already adopt healthy eating practices in their routine, contributing to the health of the microbiota.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, E. G., & Araujo, M. C. de. (2022). Intestinal dysbiosis in students of the nutrition major of a university of adjacent area of Florianópolis. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 14(90), 1240-1248. Retrieved from
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