Evaluation of the body composition of patients served by the hyperdia program of a municipality of centro-southern Piauí
Arterial Hypertension is characterized by an increase in blood pressure exerted in the vessels, being related to obesity. The aim of the study is to describe the main changes in body composition in hypertensive patients through the collection of anthropometric measurements. The research is a cross-sectional study, of quantitative and explanatory character, with 40 participants included in the Hiperdia program. The research instruments used were a sphygmomanometer for blood pressure analysis, a tape measure and bioimpedance for the assessment of body composition. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program, in addition to the application of Anova One-way to compare the anthropometric variables and the pressure level. It was found that the Body Mass Index showed an average of overweight (28.82 ± 4.25kg / m2) and 41% in Obesity I. The WHR data were predominant in values of 0.92 cm (± 0.25) and in a percentage of 46.15%, classifying them both as High. Furthermore, the correlation between Arterial Hypertension and Body Composition provided higher values for Stage I with the presence of Overweight, High Risk for Cardiovascular Diseases, body and visceral fat. However, there was a positive correlation only for waist circumference (p=0.04) and waist-hip ratio (p=0.02) according to the ANOVA test. It was concluded that the higher the level of hypertension, the greater the development of fat accumulation, and worsening of muscle mass and metabolism. Thus, it is relevant to monitor hypertension and body composition, aiming at the prevention and rehabilitation of pathologies and hemodynamic repercussions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Yan de Lima Borges, Lucas Evangelista de Sousa Rocha, Maria Anunciada de Sousa Alves, José Lucas Cavalcante Nunes, Iane de Lima Borges, Tayrine de Lima Borges, Juliane Barroso Leal, Juçara Barroso Leal
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