Relationship of the body mass index with the level of physical activity of academics from the faculty of nutrition of a university in southwest of goias
Obesity is among the main public health problems today. The concern is mainly due to the uncontrolled increase in its prevalence in recent decades, and its terrible consequences, such as a greater risk of developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. It is known that one of the ways to avoid obesity is through regular physical activity. In young people, most of the time, what is observed is a high rate of sedentary lifestyle, facilitating the development of excess weight. The present study aimed to analyze the level of physical activity, through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the prevalence of obesity and overweight, by calculating the BMI, of students regularly enrolled in the Faculty of Nutrition at the University of Rio Verde-UniRV, and compare them, in order to investigate whether there is a relationship between them, and to analyze these indexes in relation to the study shifts. As a result, it was observed, through the BMI, that 15.4% of the participants were overweight, and none were obese. In addition, regarding the level of physical activity, 43.1% of the students were classified as insufficiently active. It was concluded that there was no relationship between the BMI and the level of physical activity of these students, however, in relation to the study shifts, in the night shift, there was a higher mean BMI, but a lower index of physical inactivity, when compared to morning shift.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bruna Giovanna Ramos Cruz, Maryanna Freitas Alves, Larissa de Assis Timpone, Laíza Medeiros do Carmo, Marcelo Gomes Judice, Carlabianca Cabral de Jesus Canevari, Renato Canevari Dutra da Silva
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