Development and validation of checklist for identification of food behavior and lifestyle habits of severely obese patients in the preoperative treatment of bariatric surgery
Objective: Develop and validate a tool to identify the eating behaviour and lifestyle habits of severely obese patients in the preoperative treatment of bariatric surgery. Materials and Method: the study involved three stages: theoretical - through integrative research about the subject to develop the tool; empirical - through the submission of it to have its content validated by a panel of experts. Analytical - applying, in this stage, the Content Validity Index (CVI). After analysis and adjustments, following suggestions made by the panel, a pilot-study was made to verify the applicability and semantic validity (intelligibility and comprehension) of the tool for the target-population. Results: The final tool's final version, a checklist, consists of forty questions, that include two fields: eating behaviour and life habits. The panel of experts' analysis showed consistency in relation to the chosen fields. However, twenty questions showed CVI-C below 0.80 and were rephrased. Seven questions were excluded due CVI-p lower than 0.80. Three questions were subdivided, and four new questions were added to the tool. The final version was used with 41 severely obese subjects and revealed itself to be comprehensible, showing objectivity, simplicity, relevance, clarity, and language compliance. Conclusion: The tool was considered appropriate to the objectives it sets, presents clear and relevant questions, and with a proper presentation structure. Therefore, it presents content and semantic validity, attested by a panel of experts and by the target-population, allowing it to be used to handle patients in preoperative treatment for bariatric surgery.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia Regina Felicetti Lordani, Marcia Cristina Dalla-Costa, Eliani Frizon , Josene Biesek, Allan Cezar Faria Araujo
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