Evaluation of handlers in relation to good practices in handling foods and the preparation of a practical guide in a UAN in the city of Pato Branco-PR.

  • Alana Soeiro Kircheheim Faculdade de Pato Branco/FADEP, Pato Branco-PR, Brasil.
  • Juceli Aleixo Garcia Faculdade de Pato Branco/FADEP, Pato Branco-PR, Brasil.
  • Indiomara Baratto Universidade Paranaense-UNIPAR, Francisco Beltrão-PR, Brasil.
Keywords: Training, Food manipulators, Good manipulation practices, Food and nutrition unit


To achieve a quality standard and to ensure food safety, the implementation of good handling practices is of the utmost importance. The present study was carried out in a food and nutrition unit in the city of Pato Branco and had as objective to evaluate the knowledge of food handlers in relation to good practices of food handling through the application of two written tests. The work was developed in three stages, the first step was the application of a written test without prior notice, allowing to evaluate the knowledge of the manipulators, the second step was the delivery and reading together of a practical guide for food handlers, prepared and adapted the needs of the UAN in which the work was carried out and the third and last stage was the application of the second test, being possible to evaluate them after the training. Both tests were applied to 10 food handlers. Regarding the results, 60% of the handlers scored above average in the first test, while in the second evaluation, after delivery of the guide this percentage rose to 100%. Emphasizing the importance of training and continuous evaluation of food handlers


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How to Cite
Kircheheim, A. S., Garcia, J. A., & Baratto, I. (2022). Evaluation of handlers in relation to good practices in handling foods and the preparation of a practical guide in a UAN in the city of Pato Branco-PR. Brazilian Journal of Obesity, Nutrition and Weight Loss, 15(97), 1066-1069. Retrieved from https://www.rbone.com.br/index.php/rbone/article/view/1395
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